Understanding therapeutic options is key when it comes to an abortion and Canadian women should be in the know as well as have equal access to those options.
With that in mind we decided to find out what women had to say through a survey conducted by the national market research firm Leger.
The survey was conducted among 800 Quebec women. Why Quebec? It seemed like the place to start because an earlier study published by the Canadian Contraception and Abortion Research Team and conducted with family doctors and OB/GYN’s pointed to additional barriers experienced by healthcare professionals in Quebec.
What did the Leger study say? Among the key findings are that nearly 2/3 of Quebec respondents are unaware that a medical or pharmaceutical option can be obtained to end a pregnancy. However, if they were faced with a need for an abortion, 89% of Quebec women say that they want to be able to choose between a pill they could take at home and a surgical procedure performed in a hospital or abortion clinic.
Why did we commission the survey? Linepharma believes that knowledge is power and as a company dedicated to improving sexual and reproductive health, we wanted to better understand the level of awareness and understanding among women about the treatment options that exist. One definite takeaway is that more education is needed. You can read about the study here: https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/five-years-after-health-canada-approves-the-abortion-pill-awareness-among-quebec-women-is-low-according-to-leger-survey-878789760.html
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